Follow the below installation instructions to activate Trend Micro on your PC, Mac, Android™ or iOS device:
Download the Maximum Security installer:
Get immediate help and support for Trend Micro Internet Security. Learn how to install, activate and troubleshoot issues. Find popular topics and articles that suits your needs. Trend Micro Internet Security offers the best online protection for your family. Block malware, ransomware, phishing, & evolving scams with leading antivirus software for Mac, PC, and mobile devices. Trend Micro Internet Security provides advanced online protection. Using machine learning based technology, it protects against viruses and malware.
For PC:
TREND MICRO ANTIVIRUS FOR MACOnce downloaded, double click the installer to get started and follow the installation steps.
When prompted, enter your serial number to activate the software
For Windows 10 in S mode:
Click Here
For Chromebook:
Click Here
Android™ Installation Instructions:
Using your Android™ device, go to the Google Play Store and install the Trend Micro “Mobile Security & Antivirus” app.
Trend Micro Security Mac Os Mojave
Once installed, open the app and follow the installation steps. When prompted for an activation code, enter your serial number to activate the app
iOS (iPhone, iPad) Installation Instructions:
For activation instructions, go to:
Trend Micro Download Installer
Note: if you experience difficulties while installing and activating the software, please visit