- Adt Bundle Mac X86_64 Zip Download Windows 10
- Adt Bundle Mac X86_64 Zip Download 64-bit
- Adt-bundle-mac-x86_64.zip Download
- Adt Bundle Mac X86_64 Zip Download 32-bit
You have to update Your ADT Plugin. I everytime do it as administrator: Select Help Check for Updates. In the resulting Available Updates dialog, locate the Android DDMS and Android Development Tools features in the list and ensure that the checkboxes next to them are selected. Another Download the SDK ADT Bundle for Windows button is enabled. Click the button to save the adt-bundle-windows-x86-YYYYMMDD.zip (32-bit) or adt-bundle-windows-x8664-YYYYMMDD.zip (64-bit) file to your PC. Where YYYYMMDD is the release date for the package. Adt-bundle-windows-x7.zip is the 32-bit ADT Android bundle released on.
Adt Bundle Mac X86_64 Zip Download Windows 10
1. On your Glass, turn on Debug mode by going to Settings > Device Info and tapping “Turn on Debug”.
2. Connect your Glass to your computer via USB.
Adt Bundle Mac X86_64 Zip Download 64-bit
3. Download the Layar for Glass APK file here and save it somewhere handy (for the purpose of this guide, we’re using the “Documents” folder).
4. Download the Android SDK here, which is a ZIP file named something similar to “adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030”.
5. Unzip the Android SDK folder by double-clicking on the ZIP file and save it somewhere handy (we’ll be using the Documents folder again).
6. Open the Terminal application on your Mac, found in Applications > Utilities.
7. Open the “adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20131030” folder, then the “sdk” folder, and then drag-and-drop the “platform-tools” folder onto the Terminal icon in your dock. This opens a new Terminal window based on this folder.
8. In this new Terminal window, type: ./adb install ~/Documents/LayarGlass-1.1.0.apk (make sure this name matches the file you downloaded) and then hit enter. (If you saved the APK file somewhere other than the “Documents” and/or don’t know the file path, you can type ./adb install and then drag the file into the terminal window to automatically insert its path.)
Adt-bundle-mac-x86_64.zip Download
And that’s it! You should see a success message in the Terminal. Layar is now installed on your Glass! You can disconnect your Glass from your computer and start using it to scan Interactive Print by saying “Ok Glass, scan this.”
Adt Bundle Mac X86_64 Zip Download 32-bit
If you see an error, or your computer doesn’t find a connected device, try disconnecting and reconnecting your Glass and trying again.