Citrix Receiver allows for Citrix connections to be made from lots of different types of devices, including devices running Microsoft Windows OS, Android OS, Apple iOS and the various Linux OS families. Today I will be taking a quick look at installing Citrix Receiver on Mac OS X (10.13, aka High Sierra).
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I could not find Citrix Receiver on the Apple App Store on my Mac, so I had to install it via a download from Citrix.
Fixed issues in Citrix Receiver for Mac 12.1.100 Compared to: Citrix Receiver for Mac 12.1 Citrix Receiver for Mac 12.1.100 contains all fixes that were included in Versions 12 and 12.1, plus the following, new fixes: Resolved a problem when a Receiver for Mac session failed when connecting through a Cisco ASA 9.32 SSL VPN. Version 20.8.0: Performance improvements - This release addresses several issues that help to improve overall performance and stability. MacOS version support - Citrix Workspace app 2008 for Mac is the last release that supports macOS versions High Sierra (10.13) and Mojave (10.14). Citrix Receiver 12.9.1 Latest Version For Mac. If you looking on the internet a Citrix Receiver for Mac So, you come to the right place now a day shares with you an amazing application Citrix Receiver is a program that hosts a set online application to allow access a user to another computer remotely and not any other application installs to use an internet connection in other computer.
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Q4 – Which version of Receiver is being downloaded/Installed in above SOP? Ans – We will Download/Install latest Citrix Receiver version. Q5 - What is.dmg file? Ans – It’s an extension name for Citrix Receiver of Mac. CitrixReceiverforMac12.9 FixedissuesinCitrixReceiverforMac12.8.1 Comparedto:CitrixReceiverforMac12.8 CitrixReceiverforMac12.8. Citrix Receiver is a very easy to deploy application that provides quick access to XenApp or XenDesktop servers content to users with self-service. Furthermore, Citrix Receiver is a great solution if you need to securely access hosted applications and desktops fast. The Citrix Receiver utility. A black box artifact is left on the screen when using Receiver for Mac /Citrix Workspace app for Mac.

First load up your preferred web browser (I’ve tested with both Apple Safari and Google Chrome) and browse to

The current (as of May 9th 2018) download is Receiver version 12.9.1 and the download is dmg (disk mountable image) file that comes in at just under 50MB. Once downloaded and opened the dmg file should put a disk icon on your Mac desktop.
This contains a .pkg (package) file and a .app (application) file. The “Install Citrix Receiver” file does exactly as you would expect; it installs Citrix. Double click it to begin the installation. The “Uninstall Citrix Receiver” application uninstalls (removes) Citrix Receiver.
The installer warns that you are running an installation package; proceed only if you are the owner/admin of the device and want Citrix Receiver.
Once the installer has finished it will ask if you wish to keep the disk image and package or if you want to move it to the trash.
Personally I am a fan of keeping the original (source) installation files in case of issues later on (i.e. if I need to uninstall or reinstall a particular version of an application).
To “eject” (i.e. close) the disk image, right click it and choose Eject “Citrix Receiver”.
Citrix Receiver For Mac 10
Now go back to your preferred web browser (again, I tested Apple Safari and Google Chrome) and navigate to your organisations Citrix portal web address.
Google Chrome gave me a warning about opening Citrix Receiver for the first time and asking if I wanted to associate a file (Citrix Receiver uses .ica files) with Citrix Receiver.
Again, only proceed with setting file associations, opening new applications or trusting a website to run a plug in if you are the owner/admin of the computer and trust the site!
Clicking “Open” and “Open Citrix Receiver Launcher” opened Citrix Receiver.
Apple Safari asked if I wanted to trust my organisation’s website to use the Citrix Receiver plug in.
Clicking “Trust” opened Citrix Receiver.
When Citrix Receiver has been installed on Mac OS X it places a Citrix Receiver icon in the system bar at the top of the screen:
This icon allows the user access to Receiver (if you want to access directly to a Citrix store front rather than via a web browser), Preferences (controlling what Citrix can access locally when in a Citrix session, clear the Citrix Receiver cache), the option to check for updates and an option to Quit (close) Receiver.
Citrix Receiver For Mac 12.9.1
EDIT (OCT 2018): Receiver is now Workspace app; see